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Happy Friday! Hope you have big plans this weekend 🙂 Can’t wait to watch Mayweather vs. Pacquiao fight!

We were recently nominated again for a Infinity Dreams Award by SilkyResh. Check out her answers here! And check out Janet’s answer here when we were nominated by Jen! Thanks so much Silky for this nomination and if you haven’t checked her out please do because she is always one of our favorite reads for beauty products.


Once nominated, there are some rules to follow:

  1. Thank and follow the blog that nominated you.
  2. Put the award logo on your blog.
  3. Answer the questions that were set for you to answer.
  4. Nominate bloggers and set questions for them. (We nominate all of you!)

11 Questions from SilkyResh

  1. What made you decide to become a blogger? Janet and I wanted to start a blog to be able to write and express our passions on things and also to keep in touch with one another since she moved to Minnesota.
  2. What beauty product can you not live without? I cannot live without my Smashbox High Definition Concealer LOL covers my dark circles and pimples, if any 😛
  3. What is your biggest fear? Large open body of water. I will die.
  4. Do you listen to music when you put on your makeup? Yes, I love listening to my Pandora while putting on my makeup, cooking and cleaning.
  5. What is your favorite Ice Cream flavour? Neapolitan! I just love all three classic flavors (vanilla, strawberry and chocolate)
  6. What is your favorite holiday destination? I never went away for the holidays but if I would choose…maybe some nice and warm like Florida or Hawaii
  7. If you could be best friends with a celebrity, who would you choose? Easy. Taylor Swift
  8. What instantly puts a smile on your face? Pretty much anything! The blue clear sky, a cute dog, or a person jogging. I just love to smile!
  9. When was the last time you saw a movie, and what was it? Last month, 50 shades of grey (eek)
  10. What is your favorite eye shadow (brand & color) of all time? Naked 2 palette (Bootycall, Tease & Busted)
  11. Where do you go for style inspiration? I usually look at celebrities for style inspiration and also youtube channels

We stink at tagging people so if any of you would like to participate this fun post feel free to answer Silky’s questions. I had so much fun answering these questions and hope you all enjoy reading my post 🙂 Have a lovely weekend and hope it will be nice and sunny where ever you are!

-Josie 😀