

If you had $5 to spend on your ideal man…how would you spend it? LOL

This is hard because I want them all hahahaha but I would choose:

  • Funny $1
  • Smart $1
  • Faithful $3

Why did I choose these…well, I love a funny man and if you can’t make me laugh then bye! He doesn’t have to be a brainiac but he should be smart in career-wise and street-wise (aka he should have a good job and common sense lol) Faithful…enough said. My last relationship I was cheated on by a person that I loved. When I found out it was easier for me to let go and move on. Luckily the guy that I’m seeing now has the first two and I believe he can be faithful but still on the fence. Anywho, can’t wait to read everyone’s ideal man! 🙂

Have an awesome weekend lovelies!

-Josie 😛