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Cheers to the New Year! Can’t believe it’s 2015 already! Can’t wait to embark on a new year with new memories.

So, I didn’t wear the dress I wanted to because it was super cold lol I did wear a dress but with black tights to keep my legs warm. I was debating how I wanted to look for the new year haha I forget what lipsticks I own already so as I was digging through my small collection I came across this beauty: NARS Sheer Lipstick, Dolce Vita.

I just love how it makes my lips so shiny lol and the color is very neutral so it goes well with my skin tone.

Going with this look for 2015 haha I met up with my oldest sister and her friends an hour before midnight. Stuff my face and drank some cocktails. Countdown and goodbye 2014! Hello 2015!

I look like a giant next to my sister but I’m so glad I spent this New Years with her 👭❤️

I hope everyone had a wonderful New Years!